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Servant's Heart Capital Building Campaign


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Servant's Heart of Indy

First Gala
September, 2023
If you didn't get to come to our first Servant's Heart Gala, well you missed an amazing event. Thanks to all of you who did come. Our Gala committee did a fantastic job planning and setting up. Hornet Park Community Center was transformed into a beautiful setting.
Rustic Root served a delicious meal.

Big thank you to Rafael Sanchez and Kaitlyn Kendall our emcees for the night. Rafael got us started by reminding the crowd that we were there to raise money by wearing a one hundred dollar bill. Kaitlyn got so excited about the raffle. She helped sell tickets. Rumor has it that she had some tickets in the buckets too. Our purpose of the evening was to celebrate our past and cast a dream for our future.

Our speakers Gary Stringer, Nancy Wilson, Kim Divine and Debra Burke did just that. Gary recognized our sponsors. Nancy shared about how we started a holiday outreach. And how South Grove Intermediate School became a vital partner in our ministry. Kim shared about how covid challenges in 2020 created a core of volunteers that has become family. Debra told about how Servant's Heart has become a "Blessing Network" to other pantries and ministries on the southside. I shared our need of a new space to grow our ministry by revealing a model of a 10,000 square foot building.

Servant's Heart is preparing to step out on a journey to build this building. The Sanctuary Church has given us an opportunity to purchase and develop a 2.33 acre plot at 2840 Mertz. We are proceeding slowly one step at a time. We are through Phase 1 and 2. This Thursday September 14th at noon, Servant's Heart along with Crossroad Engineers will be presenting our plan to the zoning committee downtown. We are proposing to change the zoning from D5 to SU7. We covet your prayers.

I believe God is preparing this spot right in a neighborhood to touch this community in a mighty way. We will need all of you to help us financially and prayerfully to accomplish this new mission for our ministry. God used you all on a Saturday in September to get the journey started by raising over $50,000 dollars. Absolutely amazing
Thank you Jesus.

Come be the hands and feet of Jesus with us. It will change your life and the feeling is priceless.

Bill Boone
Servant's Heart of Indy



Servant's Heart Capital Building Campaign


Capital Campaign  
(click here for Slide show)

If you didn't get to come to our first Servant's Heart Gala, well you missed an amazing event. Thanks to all of you who did come. Our Gala committee did a fantastic job planning and setting up. Hornet Park Community Center was transformed into a beautiful setting. Rustic Root served a delicious meal. Big thank you to Rafael Sanchez and Kaitlyn Kendall our emcees for the night. 






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Indianapolis, IN 46227     




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