Serving the Needs of Families

Clothing - Food - Furniture


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Christmas at the Pantry






Faithful Servant

February 2025



Chaos to Calm

During the holiday season it is our busiest time of the year. Gathering groceries for our Turkey Drive Thru from all our many sponsors, staging, packing and distribution. Throw in a Christmas fundraiser, finding sponsors for our Christmas families, setting up the Santa Shop at Hornet Park and Christmas distribution to 249 families. We had so many balls in the air it was crazy.


In the middle of all that activity, we had found a possible 10,000 square foot new home for the ministry. Negotiations for the new space was a God thing for sure. We prayed for God to send an army of laborers to get the building ready for us to move and open on January 9th, 2025. There was a lot of painting, wiring and cleanup to be ready for our clients to get to return to the client choice model of shopping for the pantry. Every day there was more progress made. It was miraculous how everyone pulled together to get ready. Our grocery was finished first. We were able to set up what toys we had left over from the Santa Shop at the new location to take care of 16 more families on December 23rd.


On December 26th, we started to move 21 years of accumulation at our Beech Grove location. Tearing down racks, filling pallets of products, so many things to be moved. We didn’t count on someone stealing our white box truck in the midst of it all. We got enough moved to open on January 9th. Our first Thursday night, we served 70 families. Things continue to get organized to run smoothly. Thank you, Jesus.


One beautiful thing that came out of setting up the Santa Shop for last Christmas families.


Our painter Greg was telling us about a mission trip he had coming up to paint a clinic in Uganda for pregnant moms. We were blessed with a lot of black Barbie dolls this year. Greg took as many as he needed to give to the little girls of Uganda. I don’t know if you believe in God wink moments but without God’s hand being on this whole project. We would have missed blessing so many, even half way around the world.


Being the hands and feet of Jesus is truly priceless. Come join us to touch lives in our new location. Let God turn your chaos to calm just step out in faith and be blessed.



Good Bye to 5602 Elmwood Ave

We were blessed to serve the community at this address since 2003.



Hello to 6025 Madison Ave, Suite C

Starting at our new location in January 2025

Greeting Clients

Check in Team

Lobby view





Knick Knack




Serving the Community in 2024


New Families



Total Visits



Lives Touched


Pounds of Food Collected



Thanksgiving: We served 649 families, feeding 2,023 people.


Christmas: We served 265 families, blessing over 700 children.




Save the Date

Saturday, April 12th


Reflections from Sue

James 2: 17-18:

17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

These verses refer to the previous two verses, where James says that having faith without works is like telling a poor man to be warmed and clothed without actually giving him something to warm or clothe himself.


Hymn relative to James 2:17-18

Let Your Heart Be Broken

hymn by Bryan Leach


Let your heart be broken for a world in need:

Feed the mouths that hunger, soothe the wounds that bleed,

Give the cup of water and the loaf of bread

Be the hands of Jesus, serving in His stead.


Blest to be a blessing privileged to care,

Challenged by the need apparent everywhere.

Where mankind is wanting, fill the vacant place.

Be the means through which the Lord reveals His grace.


Let your heart be tender and your vision clear;


See mankind as God sees, serve Him far and near.

Let your heart be broken by a brother’s pain;

Share your rich resources, give and give again.


Servant's Heart of Indy, Inc.

Phone: 317-788-9433
