Serving the Needs of Families

Clothing - Food - Furniture


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Christmas at the Pantry



Volunteer Opportunities


Our Mission: To share God's abundance and demonstrate Christ's love by serving the needs of families.


Client Support:

·         Preparing Drive Thru Contents and Loading Vehicles.

o   Thursday 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

o   Saturday 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

·         Ministering to Their Specific Needs if Necessary.

·         Greeting Clients

·         Office Workers



·         Unloading Truck at the Pantry

·         Stocking the Pantry Shelves.

·         Monthly Food Pick Up at Midwest Food Bank.

·         Weekly DAP Pick Up from Walmart, Krogers

·         Other Pick Ups-Gleaners, Klosterman Baking, FedEx, Spartan, and Pepperidge Farms.

·         Pick Up of Miscellaneous Overstocked Food from Different sources.

·         Friday School Food Rescue Pick Up, Sorting, Distribution

Donations Distribution:

·         Clothing

o   Sorting and Hanging the clothes out for the Pantry Clients.

o   Delivery of Excess Clothing to Humble Impressions, Wheeler Mission and Goodwill.

·         Furniture

o   Collection

o   Delivery

o   Pick Up from Restoration Companies

·         Warehouse (Saturdays Only 8:00 AM – 2:30 PM)

o   Set Up and Teardown Weekly Yard Sale

o   Stock Tables

o   Receive and Sort Donations

o   Security

o   Client Check In

o   Loading of Clients Vehicles and Delivery when needed.

If you or someone you know is interested in any of the opportunites listed above, please complete the form below and our volunteer coordinator will contact you to get you started in this rewarding endeavor.

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:

Areas of Interest:

Enter any other comments below:

Thank you and we look forward to volunteering with you.







Verse Of The Day

Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search

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©2003-2025   Servant's Heart of Indy, Inc 6025 Madison Avenue Suite C.
Indianapolis, IN 46227     




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