Serving the Needs of Families

Clothing - Food - Furniture


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Christmas 2008




  • Stamp Out Hunger - 2017

    Saturday, May 13th
    Did you put out your bag on the second Saturday of May? Hundreds and hundreds of families did in the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive.

    Each year the postal carriers union promotes the second Saturday in May as a nationwide drive to collect food.

  • Turkey Drive Thru - November 24 2016

    The world's largest Turkey Drive Thru. Vehicles wrapped around the parking lot of Servant’s Heart of Indy
    during the annual Turkey Drive Thru on Nov. 24, providing Thanksgiving meals to more than 500 families on the Southside of Indianapolis.


  • Christmas Thank You - 2015

    Each year Servant’s Heart of Indy partners with sponsors to reach out to our families at Christmas. God used us in a mighty way  to touch 212 families and bless 515 children with Christmas gifts under their trees.

    On the day the gifts were distributed, recipients were given an opportunity to write a 'thank you' note to their sponsor. Following is a sampling of their notes of gratitude written in their own words:  More


  • Spaghetti Dinner & White Elephant Auction - 2015

    Each year we kick off the Christmas season by raising money for Servant’s Heart Christmas Project. Last year our Christmas Project blessed 500 kids with gifts under the tree.



  • Thanksgiving Hot Meals - 2015

    Our board committed to preparing the food again this year. The South Emerson Church of God offered their kitchen



  • Turkey Drive Thru - 2015

    The world's largest Turkey Drive Thru, November 23, 2015


  • Stamp Out Hunger - 2015

    Saturday, May 9th
    Did you put out your Marsh bag on the second Saturday of May? Hundreds and hundreds of families did in the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive.

    Each year the postal carriers union promotes the second Saturday in May as a nationwide drive to collect food.



  • Baptist Academy - 2015

    Each year in the month of May, children from the Baptist Academy come to the pantry for a field trip. This year’s group was made up of fourteen second graders. They learned about what we do and who we serve.



  • Beech Grove High School Community Day - 2015

    On April 22, 2015, students from Beech Grove High School swarmed the community as part of their Community Service Day. Twenty-four students came to Servant’s Heart and helped with various tasks.



  • Christmas Santa Distribution - 2014

    Christmas Santa Distribution, December 20,2014



  • Christmas Wrapping Party - 2014

    Christmas Wrapping Party, December 19,2014


  • Turkey Drive Thru - 2014

    The world's largest Turkey Drive Thru, November 24, 2014


  • LifePoint Church Make an Impact Team - 2014

    One of the LifePoint Church Make an Impact teams came to Servant’s Heart on Saturday, September 27th to help.



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Indianapolis, IN 46227     




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