Serving the Needs of Families

Clothing - Food - Furniture


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Christmas 2008



Events Archive



  • Servant's Heart Garden - Summer 2012


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  • Stamp Out Hunger 2012

The Garfield Park and Beech Grove Post Offices facilitated the compassion of the community in a big way. The Total food collected for the day was 13,313 pounds. Thank you to all of you who support us.  more


  • Saint Francis Community Day 2012

Thank you to all of you who support us and for all of you who came out to see us at the Saint Francis Community Day.  more


  • Beech Grove Fall Festival 2011

    Thank you to all of you who support us and for all of you who came out to see us at the Beech Grove Fall Festival.  more

  • Girl Scout Troop 139 collects 2376 pounds of food

    Girl Scout Troop 139 organized a food drive at South Creek Elementary School on Southport Rd.  more

  • Scott Peper receives 2011 Volunteer of the year award

    At our annual picnic Saturday July 9th before a room full of volunteers, Beech Grove resident Scott Peper receives the volunteer of the year award from Servant's Heart Founder & Chairman Bill Boone. Every week Scott sees to it that our shelves are stocked and the food distributed to those in need.


  • Stamp out Hunger 2011

    The Garfield Park and Beech Grove Post Offices facilitated the compassion of the community in a big way. The Total food collected for the day was 14,712 pounds.



  • Cub Scout Pack 107


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  • Homeless Mats

    Beech Grove resident Jackie Jacobson recently discovered a project on the Internet to help homeless folks: a bed mat.


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  • Garden of Grace - Summer 2010

Grace Evangelical Church, 5905 East Southport Road donated a huge plot for a pantry garden this summer.    More

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  • Christmas Blessings 2009

For their December wedding a couple asked their guests to help feed our families with a Christmas ham instead of wedding gifts for themselves. As are result of their generousity a ham was supplied to every family who came for their Christmas gifts.   More


  • Christmas Wrapping Party - December 18th

South Grove Intermediate School allowed us to use their facility for our annual wrapping party. A hundred volunteers of all ages helped wrap gifts for 69 families. The University of Indianapolis Food Service provided the meal..  More


  • Christmas Shopping - December 5th & 12th

A troop of 4th grade Girl Scout helped shop for our families along with their moms. The girls were the right age to know what the kids would want and were excited to shop for the families.  More

  • Thanksgiving Hotmeals - November 26th

This is the first year we prepared the meals. Our board committed to preparing the food but we had never actually fixed a large quanity of food. The South Emerson Church of God offered their kitchen.  More


  • Baskets of Hope - November 22nd @ The Creek

The families of Indian Creek collected food for a month to bless three ministries We were blessed for the first time with 213 - 20 gallon totes - filled with our pantries staples. More


  • Can do Challenge 2009




  • Holy Name 4th Grade Art Show and Concert 2009

Holy Name 4th grade students Art Show and Concert raised $284 for Servant's Heart.





  • Central Elementary Beech Grove Walk of Endurance 2009

Central Elementary Beech Grove raised $1,088 for  Servant's Heart.

  • LifePoint Church Zone56 Kids Food Drive 2009

  • JFW "Race for the Rolls 2009" donated 3,984 rolls to the Servant's Heart Pantry





  • Stamp out Hunger 2009

Beech Grove Post Office collected 6,670 lgs. of food.  -Garfield Park Station collected 10,120 lbs. of food.



  • Spring 2009

30 hour Famine Food Drive and Concert. Teens from three churches attended a lockin and food drive that collected over 500 food items.


  • Foodstock 2009

Beech Grove Wal-Mart collected 3262 lbs. of food items from April 1 to April 25th.





  • Euchre Party at Hornet Park Community Center
                                  April 2009

  • One Child Waits

Nearly 500 children from 200 families opened Christmas presents this year because of the labor of love of non-profit Servant�s Heart of Indy. Beech Grove resident and Servant�s Heart founder Bill Boone, along with his hardworking, all-volunteer board, continued to gather community support right up through the night the gifts were wrapped at a party at South Grove Intermediate School.
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  • A Thanksgiving to Remember

Oftentimes in the history of Franklin Township, a community known for its caring nature has responded to various needs presented by churches and organizations fronting highly worthwhile projects.

Once again, the entire community � representing businesses, schools, churches, youth groups and individuals alike � has responded with arms willingly extended. The volunteer outpouring has been highly successful in satisfying a special need during a national holiday period established specifically for being appreciative and grateful � one that is celebrated traditionally with remembrances of Pilgrims, pumpkins and turkeys. A true Thanksgiving bounty.
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  • World's Largest Turkey Dinner Drive-Thru

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Indianapolis, IN 46227     




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